+ LAGEPP- Automation, Process and Pharmaceutical Engineering



The objective of LAGEP,P a UCBL1, CPE, CNRS laboratory at the interface
between the hard sciences and health, is to bring together teachers and
researchers in automation, process engineering and pharmaceutical technology.

LAGEPP’s four competences are:
▪ process control
▪ formulation of active ingredients
▪ formulation of solid particles
▪ structured modelling and controlling processes,

which lead its teams to develop basic research and ensure the transfer of the results to the major industrial activities of the Rhone Alpes Region in particular.

  • 44 teacher-researchers
  • 47 PhD students
  • 4 post-doctoral students
  • 6 research engineers and technicians
  • 77 international publications /year
  • 114 conferences/year
  • 2 to 3 patents/year
  • TO €4.875 M

See its technological skills




Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
43 Boulevard du 11 novembre 1918 Bâtiment CPE-308G 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex
Tél. +33 (0)4 72 43 18 45

ISPB Faculté Pharmacie Lyon1
Lab. Dermopharmacie. Cosmétologie Etage 2 – couloir AD 8, avenue Rockefeller 69373 Lyon Cedex 08

CPE 43, boulevard du 11 Novembre 1918 69616 Villeurbanne Cedex

Area(s) of search



  • Theoretical development and implementation of tools to analyse, model, simulate, control and optimise process engineering systems:
    transport, energy, automobiles
  • Formulation of systems to transport and carry active ingredients for pharmaceutical, cosmetic and diagnostic applications:
    pharmaceutical, cosmetics, diagnostics, chemical, textile industries
  • Study of processes for formulating, separating and forming bulk solids
    chemistry, pharmacy, environment, agro-foodstuffs, materials
  • Development of dynamic models of complex, multiscale and interconnected processes:
    Petrochemicals, materials, computing, ICTs, energy

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Simulation software (certified APP):
MPC@CB / predictive control of a continuous time process under constraints
ODOE4OPE / optimisation, automation of optimal design of experiments, and estimation of model process parameters

Leading edge facilities

Experimental assemblies
Laboratory drying oven for powders
Membrane contactor
Instrumented microreactor
Sono-freezing bench
Atomiser Spray-drying and Spray-Cooling pilot units, calorimetry, separation by freezing and nanoprecipitation
Filtration unit

Fluidised air bed (Aeromatic-Fielder)
Mixers and granulators (Turbula)
Granulator (Glatt)
Pilot freeze driers (SMH45, SMH50, Usifroid, Cryonext)
Instrumented alternative tablet press (Korsch)
- Rotary tablet presses (Piccola Riva, Korsch)
- Styl’One compression simulator (Medel’pharm)
- Capsule filling machine (Bonapace)
- Powder flow measurement unit (RST-XS, Dr Dietmar)
- High pressure homogeniser (Lab Series 1000, APV)

Physico-chemical analyses
Particle sizers (Mastersizer 2000, Malvern, LS320, Coulter, Zétasizer nanoseries ZS, Malvern)
Rheometer (MCR series, Anton Paar)
Chromatography equipment (HPLC Merck, Agilent and GC 2010 Plus, Shimadzu)
Dissolution testers (DT12R, Erweka)
IRTF transmission spectrometer (Protété 460, Nicolet®)
Franz cells

Thermal analyses
ATG thermogravimetry (TG 209 F1 ASC, Netzsch)
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC series Q200, TA Instruments)
Gravimetric water sorption analyser (DVS, MSM)
Water activity analyser (FA-st/1, GBX)
Climatic chamber (Vötsch)
Suntest cps+(Atlas)

Optical microscope (Leica DM LM)
Cryomicroscope (Leica DM LM)
Anacristmat® thermostated microscopy
Optical microscope in cold chamber + Microtome (Leica MZ12, Leica 2000R)
Video probes: EZProbe-D25®L1200, EZProbe-D25®L220, EZProbe-D12-L800
Lasentec® FBRM laser reflectance device



The teachers-researchers participate in many national and international networks and projects:

  • GDR, professional associations
  • institut Carnot Ingénierie@Lyon
  • Labex IMUST- Institute for Multiscale Science and Technology, Equipex IVTV-engineering and ageing of living tissues
  • FUI TOUPI /mass market cosmetic packaging and formulations with microbial stability without using listed preservatives ▪ FUI STABIPACK / emergency and innovative paediatric and oromucosal treatments.

Alone and jointly, they organise reputed conferences such as the French Society of Process Engineering, the French Thermal Society, the Skin and Formulation Congress, the Jacques Cartier Entretiens, and the IFAC congress, and their works regularly win awards at the Annual Congress of the French Chemical Society, from the Rhone-Alpes Process Engineering Committee, the National Academy of Pharmacy, and innovative Pollutec-Techniques, etc. Its researchers publish in the most prestigious scientific journals and in 2014, S. Briançon and M.A. Bolzinger received the rank of Knight of the Order of Academic Palms.


The laboratory follows a particularly active partnership policy with contracts, CIFRE PhD theses, FUI projects, and it works with Acystème, Advicenne, Bayer, Biomerieux, Chanel, CEA Marcoule, CIAT J&J, Prayon, DANFOSS, Horus Pharma, IFP, Merial, Pfizer, Rhodia, Sanofi Pasteur, Servier, Strand Cosmétics , Total, Vetoquinol, Volvo, etc.
LAGEP has forged close relations in France and in the Rhone Alpes Region with the laboratories of the CNRS, INSERM and INRIA, and with the universities Lyon1, Joseph Fourrier, Rouen, Aix-en-Provence, Marseille, Toulon, Saclay, Montpellier, Bourges, Nancy, and Lorraine, with Mines ParisTech, CNAM Paris, ECL, INSA and the ENS in Lyon.
Internationally, it has developed strong collaborations with Imperial College (U.K.) and the universities of Groeningen and Twente (Netherlands), HIT and East China Science and Technology (China), Hanoi (USTH), IITM (India), Concepcion (Chili), Wuppertal (Germany), in Mexico in the framework of LIA NANOBIOSA and CENIDET, and in Brazil, Egypt, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Switzerland, Syria, Thailand and Tunisia.

An engineering adapted to the servicesof the stakes in our partners