+ LVA – Vibrations, Acoustics
A research unit of the INSA de Lyon, LVA develops original expertise and methods in the study of vibroacoustic radiation (from source to sound), to identify and localize sources (acting before the transmission of the sound), in the study of sound perception and vibration diagnostics (vibration and acoustic analysis for monitoring and diagnosing rotating machines and for detecting, locating and characterizing faults).
- 15 researchers and teacher-researchers
- 28 PhD students
- 4 post-doctoral students
- 2 engineers and technicians
- 25 international publications /year
- 40 conferences/year
- 1 patent / year
- TO €900 K
See its technological skills
Institut National des Sciences Appliquées EA677
Bât. St Exupéry
25 bis, avenue Jean Capelle
69621 Villeurbanne
Tél. 33(0)4 72 43 79 72
Fax 33(0)4 72 43 87 12
Area(s) of search
LVA has long been recognized for its competences that link structural and acoustic dynamics and its scientific works have led to close collaboration with the transport industry (aviation, automobiles, heavy goods, railways), energies and MedTechs.
- Extension of the SEA method to mid-range frequencies
(mechanical construction, engineering) - Characterisation of aero-acoustic sources
(land and air transport) - Monitoring the damage of mechanical parts using piezoelectric patches
(energy, transport) - Analysis of cyclostationary signals
(energy, transport)
Main facilities
- reverberation chamber
- semi-anechoic rooms
- audiometric booth
- engine test benches, including one in a semi-anechoic environment
- hydraulic source characterisation bench,
- scanning laser vibrometers
Simulation software
LVA’s researchers publish in the best scientific journals, (jointly) organise reputed conferences (Congrès Français d'Acoustique 2010, International Symposium on SHM and NDT 2013, Journées des Jeunes Chercheurs en vibrations, Acoustique et Bruit 2014, Congrès français de mécanique 2015, etc.) and it was honoured in 2012 when Jean-Louis Guyader was awarded the French medal of the Société Française d'Acoustique (2012).
LVA’s researchers are involved in a large number of networks and national and international programmes, leading to:
- its membership of the Institut Carnot (Ingénierie@Lyon), a laboratory of excellence (Labex CeLyA Lyon Acoustics Centre and a joint laboratory (Labcom ANR P3A Aeroacoustics Antennae Platform with microdB and OpenLab Vibration-Acoustique-Tribologie@lyon with PSA-Citroën);
- participation in national projects such as MADNEMS, LOUDNAT, MALICE and MOSAICS of the National Research Agency; the FUI projects TESSA CLIC, SONAT, SEMAFOR and MACOVAM, and European projects like eVADER - electric vehicle alert for detection and emergency response and COST TU- design and optimization of hybrid and electric vehicles.
To ensure it stays at the cutting edge of research applied to industry, LVA develops strong partnerships with technical centres: CETIAT, CETIM and CEA; with major industrial companies: DCNS, PIERBURG, VALDUNES, PSA, OROS, DYNAE, dBVib, MICHELIN, EDF, VALEO, RENAULT, VOLVO, AIRBUS, MATELYS, AREVA, THALES, TRIX ELL, CYXPLUS, DIGISENS, BERTIN, PELLENC, CIRAD, IRISBUS, MICRODB, ARCELOR/MITTAL, ACOUPHEN and B&K; and SMBs such as ACOEM (01dB-METRAVIB), VIBRATEC, BABOLAT, SOPAVIB, REXAMHEALTH and so forth.
It forges collaborations with French laboratories (its partners in Carnot Ingénierie@Lyon are LTDS, LMFA, LaMCoS, and LMA, LAUM, CNAM, FEMTO, LASH, LMS (X), PIMM,ENSTA (UME/UMA); with European and international universities: Sherbrooke GAUS (Quebec), Penn State (USA), Polytechnic ( Hong-Kong), La Sapienza, Ferrara and Politecnico di Torino (Italy), Delft (Netherlands), AGH (Poland), New South Wales (Australia), VUB (Belgium), Chalmers (Sweden), University of Denmark (Denmark), Guelma and USTHB (Algeria) and the Fraunhofer Institute EZRT X-ray Centre (Germany), etc.