+ innovation

10 result(s) for innovation

Actualité Carnot Ingénierie@lyon sign the ‘Carnot’s commitment’ for economic recovery through partnership research

create tomorrow, through innovation, a more resilient and responsible economyThe unprecedented coronavirus crisis has shown how suddenly our economy and our health can be shaken by an unpredictable external event.The 39 Carnot institutes, French public research structures, publish a "Manifesto" sign […]

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Évènement Imagine the plane tomorrow ! back on the colloque Entretiens Jacques Cartier 2019

 'Innovations in the electrification of aircraft' Entretiens Jacques Cartier 2019 November 4th, 2019 in MontrealThe pressure is strong today to reduce environmental footprints related to our movements. By 2050, for example, the goal is to reduce CO2 emissions from air travel by 50%, while taking int […]

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Actualité Ingénierie@Lyon ready for action at Rendez-vous Carnot 2019

Our experts respond to innovation projects of the sectors of Transport, Energies, Materials and Bioengineering, and offer easy access to its 7 platforms. A great success with nearly 60 contacts to boost the partnership research of its members. See you in 2020 in Lyon! contact companies: lilian.ma […]

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Évènement WEBINAR FOR MOBILITY : Non Destructive Testing, monitoring and sustainability of structures

This web-meeting, in french,  presents various methods of Non Destructive Testing (NDT), allowing the inspection of products at different stages of their lives. showcase of the site industrial products and components must be treated in a way that respects the economic and ecological logic, while gua […]

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Actualité MATEIS honored during the National Day of Innovation in Health

Launched by Marisol Touraine, Minister of Social Affairs, Health and Women's Rights, and open to all, the National Day of Innovation in Health (23/24 January at the Museum of Science and Industry) allows discover progress in the health field.Among the latest innovations presented in the prevention a […]

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Actualité The Association of Carnot institutes, partner of a Intellectual Property and Innovation seminar ” New Frontiers of Intellectual Property: current situation and prospects ” on march

The Association of Carnot institutes will partner of the 2nd edition of Intellectual Property and Innovation seminar entitled " New Frontiers of Intellectual Property: current situation and prospects " to be held on 17 March 2016 in Paris .Program and registration: HERE […]

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Évènement The 10th RENDEZ VOUS CARNOT 2016 in Lyon

More about : http://www.rdv-carnot.com/fr-inscription.html […]

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Actualité initiative trophy to LACTIPS on the occasion of Success Award LOIRE & HAUTE LOIRE

On the occasion of Success Awards Loire and Haute - Loire, LACTIPS , spin off laboratory Materials Engineering Polymers, has received the Initiative Trophy, awarded by George Ziegler , vice president of the Loire County Council Congratulations to Frédéric Prochazka , the patent inventor and Basak Co […]

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Documentation booklet corporate


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Actualité The 18 and 19 November , the CNRS and its subsidiary valuation FIST SA will participate in the 8th edition of the Rendez- vous Carnot in Paris.

Visitors could visit the CNRS to talk with the management of innovation and relationships with companies CNRs, and its subsidiary valuation FIST SA. they will present there its platform offer access to technology and patent CNRs mapping and techno-scouting. The CNRS will also host ULISSE, its intern […]

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An engineering adapted to the servicesof the stakes in our partners